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TYPO3 4.x - Next steps to go


Ingo Renner


In this presentation we're going to talk about the next release of TYPO3, TYPO3 4.2. It is expected that by the beginning of the conference we have a feature freeze for TYPO3 4.2 and thus can show you which new features and improvements await you with the final release later this year.

In case there's time left we'll also present some new features and the involvement of the community on typo3.org.

Target audience 

(not selected yet)

Target OS 


Time schedule 




Authors Description 

Ingo Renner is the TYPO3 core developer and release manager for TYPO3 4.2. Other than that he's an active community member since mid 2003. He's probably most known for the TIMTAB weblog extension. Other activities involve rebuilding typo3.org, being active in the Content Rendering Group, Leader of the Kickstarter Team, Co-Developer of tt_news and probably more he can't remember at the moment.

For his living Ingo is doing freelance work for several well known customers.

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