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Inspiring to compare


Antje Möller, Gina Steiner, Thomas Hempel, Wolfgang Schröder


With the enormous increase of the number of extensions the typical web developer has not only the advantage of getting an enormous amount of functionalities for a TYPO3 based website almost for free, he also has the problem to find the most fitting extension for his specific assignment and has to decide which one to use. As not all extensions have complete and especially standardized descriptions of the complete functionality this might become a bigger job.

This was the motivation for founding the Extension Comparison Team. Based in Hamburg, with some members in whole Germany and Austria the Ext Comp Team developed at first some basics for principles and methods how to compare extensions.

We will introduce our principles and goals for the future in the talk.

Further Information:
TYPO3Wiki: http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Extension_Comparison
Email: extcomp(at)googlemail.com

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(not selected yet)

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