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Title |
Implementing a JSR-283 Content Repository in PHP |
Authors |
Karsten Dambekalns |
Abstract |
The next major version of TYPO3, version 5.0, will be based on a content repository for data storage. For TYPO3 5.0 to be sucessful, we need to make sure it runs on PHP6 without any further requirements.
As all existing content repositories implementing JSR-170 are Java-based, we need to come up with our own pure-PHP implementation. And as we start from scratch, we target the successor of JSR-170, the upcoming JSR-283, right from the start.
The presentation will show the current status of development, the technical background and some of the techniques being used for the implementation. |
Target audience |
Technical (Developers, Administrators etc.) |
Target OS |
All |
Time schedule |
Default |
Presentation |
Talk |
Authors Description |
Karsten Dambekalns, born in 1977, learnt the basics of web technology the hard way, by looking at other website's HTML source code, after having finally switched to Linux from OS/2 and Windows. All this happened after having learnt BASIC and Assembler on a good old Commodore C128...
He co-founded fishfarm netsolutions at the end of 2000, parallel to studying Media Science and Computer Science at the Technical University at Braunschweig, one of the German Institutes of Technology. This was were he met his future business partner while working with a team on a web-centric project. During his studies he introduced students to the differences between PHP and Java for web application development and implemented a small XML-driven content management system for the website of his faculty.
Karsten discovered TYPO3 in 2002 and got caught by it's immense possibilities. Having worked with TYPO3 for over a year Karsten joined the TYPO3 snowboard conference in 2004, only to use the newly knit web of contacts to become the driving force behind the actual implementation of a long planned database abstraction layer for TYPO3. Now he is part of the TYPO3 5.0 development team and an active member of the TYPO3 Association.
Karsten mostly lives in Braunschweig, Germany with his wife Līga, two kids and a nameless espresso machine. |
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