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ICE Pack - A new concept for Individual Content Elements


Jo Hasenau


The ICE Pack has been presented for the first time at the T3DD07.
It is a new concept for Individual Content Elements based on inline elements (also known as IRRE) that are available since TYPO3 4.1.

The ICE Pack offers five different extensions:

ICE Core - Featuring a set of "one field" inline elements like image, header, text only, multiline header etc.

ICE front - Rendering functions for the inline elements

ICE Box - A container element that can be filled using default or inline elements with optional HTML templates

ICE control - A backend module to manage inline elements and ICE boxes

ICE flavor - spice up your elements with predefined flavors that add frames, corners and individual CSS styles

The presentation will show how easily you can create individual content elements without restrictions made by the current system of content elements.

Since this will be interesting for all 3 target groups as well, I didn't select a target audience.

Target audience 

(not selected yet)

Target OS 


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